fracking health people

Chemicals from fracking, acidizing, and gravel packing make us sick

Chemicals from fracking, acidizing, and gravel packing make us sick

12.11.2014 Sarah Craig

It is well-known that many of the chemicals used in fracking, acidizing, and gravel packing are harmful to our bodies. Just look at the above graphic. What hasn't been so clear is the evidence that highlights incidences where these chemicals have actually made people sick.

fracking health people pollution

With eyes in the sky, researchers try to link fracking and illness

With eyes in the sky, researchers try to link fracking and illness

11.13.2014 Madeline Thomas

Fracking has long been the oil and natural gas industry’s best kept secret – in particular, the chemicals found in fracking fluids, which have been linked to a host of weird mystery ailments, like respiratory or gastrointestinal distress.

fracking health people pollution

5.4 Million In Harms Way

5.4 Million In Harms Way

10.24.2014 Sarah Craig

Think about the number of people who live in Los Angeles. Then add the population of San Francisco, times two. Combined, you should get a rough number of about 5.4 million.

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